Have you noticed that clear blue skies seem to be rare nowadays? Even when it’s sunny, look up and you will often notice there is a thin white haze.

It is now obvious that the technology to engineer the weather and geological events exists. Not only that but there is much evidence to suggest that now in 2024 it is in very widespread use all over the globe and has been getting used and developed since at least the 1950s. There is a growing body of evidence that points to this being dangerous and unregulated, and run by hidden programs.

On this page are some videos and information about this phenomena and a growing awareness amongst populations as to the existence and potential harms of such technologies.

Letters to your MP will be rebuffed with a standard template response claiming “nothing to see here”. Allegedly those thick white trails we see in the skies coming from the back of aircraft traversing back and forth in grid patterns, are nothing but condensation which occurs sometimes because of certain atmospheric conditions. But common sense and a bit of observation reveal to anyone that this simply does not make sense. Condensation does not spread out over hours, become a haze that blocks sunlight and form clouds. And just where are those aeroplanes crossing our skies in linear patterns on those rare days we see the normal blue sky?

Find Anti Geoengineering Scotland Group on Facebook for more information.

Petition Against Geoengineering

Link to Britons for a Clean Atmosphere Website

Link to Zero Geoengineering website


Another Conspiracy Theory Bites The Dust

Here’s a list of the top 10 leading companies in the UK Cloud Seeding Market (Geoengineering – production of chemtrails)

The report (link below) looks at future growth

Lots of money to be made through manipulating Nature it seems…



Follow the Not On The Beeb telegram channel for more stuff that the BBC forgot.

Frankenskies the Movie

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