I watched a really interesting interview on the climate emergency debate – or rather the fact that there isn’t any. As one of the most important and life altering issues of our times, which is filtering into every aspect of life, I wanted to share this valuable information and write my own opinion piece to try to encourage others to explore this urgently.

You can see the interview HERE and also find a lot of comprehensive information on this website www.climatedebate.co.uk

As civilized and intelligent people, and our futures seemingly hanging in the balance, we must not be railroaded down a path to disaster, where the facts and so called “science” is controlled by powerful organisations. Instead we need to demand an exploration of these complex issues via open and encompassing debate from the best minds. One way or another, either this issue or the policies implemented in its name, form the biggest global threat to the whole planet.

Things are certainly changing rapidly – in an anti-human direction. But where exactly is the threat coming from? Is it man made carbon dioxide emissions which are going to make life very difficult at some time in the future? Are there other human based causes of destruction at play, which are not being addressed because they are instead being gaslight as climate emergency? Could the real threat to ordinary people be policies imposed which are going to make life very different within in the next 20 years? Well that’s what we cannot decide upon, without proper debate and exploration, and despite what we have been told, the so called “science” is very far from being settled but rather debate and proper open consideration of the issues has never been allowed to take place.

Could you defend what you know about climate, and why you think there is, or is not, a man made climate emergency? If you do believe it, are you aware of and do you agree with the radical policies being planned and implemented? The decisions and policies being implemented now will have a huge affect on all areas of life for everyone, disproportionately affect the poorest and all future generations. With so much at stake, could you convince others as to why they and you need to be willing to stop travelling by cars and planes, perhaps give up their livelihood, stop farming, radically change diet, use much less energy for heating, cooking and lighting, give up ownership of almost everything, actively look to reduce the population, be tracked and monitored for carbon “footprint” and prohibited from taking certain actions, and to live in a densely packed, technologically advanced city. This life is not for the rich or “elite” as they like to be called, but rather the type of world that is being envisioned and built for the rest of us right now, in the name of the climate emergency. The amount of global funds which are being thrown at developing need and acceptance of these policies is mind blowing.

We can see that there is a large and growing number of scientists, experts and many ordinary thinking people who have a lot of issues, questions and alternative data which seemingly disproves many climate emergency postulates, and it is becoming more obvious that these views and supporting data are being ignored, silenced and censored. Instead of answering any serious challenges to the climate emergency narrative, there is an attempt to shut down anyone raising questions by simply discrediting them as a “climate change denier”. This is the sordid tactic of those who cannot robustly substantiate their arguments, in an attempt to discredit the challenger and has no place in a democratic society.

No serious scientist, interested in discovering truth would ever object to having data and theories tested and challenged. No public servant should be implementing radical action without being able to explain the rational behind it and answer basic questions. No governments should be allowed to be influenced heavily by NGO’s or to spend vast amounts of public money using military grade tactics to manipulate public thinking and behaviour. No free thinking man or woman, should be afraid to explore all the information on such an important issue, and stand up for their own conclusions. It’s looking more and more like the climate emergency story is politically motivated and corrupted. The far reaching consequences of accepting this narrative at face value, without insisting on exploring and debating the challenges, outcomes and solutions from all angles, is catastrophic to our future.

It’s interesting to note that historically the word “emergency” has allowed governments and their embedded partner corporations to make sweeping decisions without the need for much democracy – always under the guise of being for our protection, of course.

Challenge yourself, your friends, your family, your colleagues on what is really going on, what Net Zero really means, what the cost would be and what it would actually achieve. Ask yourself why are we trusting the so called experts, when they have been frightening people since the 1960s with climate disaster predictions which have proved to be comprehensively wrong time and time again. There is some kind of emergency going on all right, but it may not be the one they’re telling you about.

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