Click Here to see the Video, which is a recap of a fascinating talk from Peacekeepers in Colchester. Lance and Brian came along and explained about the law how the system works and our Constitution and these are absolutely vital to understand because if we don’t know how the system works how on earth are we going to make sure that it acts as it should and acts fairly.

Now you often hear a lot of talk about people saying oh we need to start again we need to have a new system, well what’s the point of that if we don’t even understand our existing system and as it happens our existing system happens to be really really good. most of us don’t know it and most of us are allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of by people who either willfully do things incorrectly or they just don’t know themselves ….

to fully understand the system we need to go back to the 1600s and we had some dodgy kings in the past they eventually got rid of James II and replaced him with William of Orange from Holland. having got rid of a bad King they wanted to make sure that we didn’t get any more in the future so they came up with the Bill of Rights and that got rid of the divine right of kings which basically means they can do whatever the hell they like.

This transferred the power from the monarchy to Parliament, but what’s important is Parliament cannot do anything to the Prejudice of the people. That’s critical in the Bill of Rights. You can go to and you can download a copy of the Bill of Rights. It’s actually not that long a document there’s only about eight pages or so and this constitution is really quite amazing.

so let me talk you through some of the key points. I’ll put a link to this in the Dropbox.

The Bill of Rights stops the crown taxing people as they see fit or going to war or doing all that kind of bad stuff. It makes sure we have freedom of speech and members of parliament can express their points of view without fear of being prosecuted. It stops cruel and unusual punishments and it makes sure individuals cannot be arrested or detained without lawful justification, protecting us from arbitrary imprisonment and the key part of this is nothing can be done to the Prejudice of the people.

It enforces the rule of law so everybody is accountable and equal including government officials so it prevents the government from acting Above the Law or using its authority to oppress or discriminate against its citizens. It protects our individual rights and freedoms and all decisions and policies should protect the welfare of the people. It highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in government as well as democratic governments.

In summary nothing can be done to the Prejudice of people, encapsulates the idea that government actions must be just reasonable and in the best interest of the citizens. It is a foundational principle that promotes the protection of individual rights, the rule of law and the maintenance of a fair and accountable government.

Doesn’t that sound lovely? it’s a shame our government don’t seem to have read the Bill of Rights so parliament’s job is to meet and resolve grievances. So if you’re upset about something you tell your MP and your MP takes its Parliament and then they sort it out. They are not meant to be making laws they can only amend, strengthen or preserve our existing laws. Laws can only be made in the court not in Parliament.

To clarify what law is, it is the birthright of the people. We have inherent rights that we have just by virtue of being born and the law is there to uphold those rights. That’s it it’s not meant to persecute and prosecute us. It is there to uphold our rights and freedoms. The courts are only actually there for public dispute resolution. So if you and I have an argument and we cannot come to a resolution we take it to court and they come up with a remedy and if this type of thing has already been done the Precedence has been set then it’s very clear-cut. If we have the kind of dispute that has nuances that haven’t been covered then the courts will come up with a law that sorts that out so once the courts have created that law it then gets passed to Parliament and Parliament make the legislation to enact that law. and it may have to go backwards a few times to get it right but that is how our system is designed to work and it is very fair.

Just so as long as we do not cause any harm, loss or injury to another, we should be free to go about our business unimpeded.

Now does that sound like the society we’re living in? No! it doesn’t.

What has gone on wrong, and what can we do about it?

See the full video here.

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