There are inherrent probelms with using supermarkets. For ethical and health reasons, many people now want to actively avoid buying from these large monopolistic corporate organisations and instead support local farmers and producers and to buy real fresh, healthy food.

There are a growing number of initiatives to make it easier to buy direct from farmers and growers and to create a better relationship with the consumers directly.

Here are just two initiatives – this post will be updated with more information soon;

The ideas behind the REKO ring are very simple: we want to by-pass the easily controlled supermarkets and financial system as much as we can – the first showed during Covid that it is susceptible to non-governmental actors’ pressure and, also, that it is always chasing margins at the price of suppliers’ quality of product and the buyer’s health: the second, because it is becoming clear that the power that a digital currency gives the monetary system is too great for its provenly corrupt most powerful gatekeepers.

In addition to this, we want to have a relationship with our producers in order to know what is in our food, ask about developments in its production, express disapproval (or approval) directly if need be – about such things as mRNA vaccines being used – and, probably most importantly, support our suppliers in their ethical choices. We want to support smaller producers and put our money into what is nearer, more human and of higher quality; not the unnatural, distant, intensive, chemical-spraying agri-businesses that are exhausting the land and poisoning the populace.

And, we wanted to be healthy: the supermarket cares about sales and bottom lines, hence the low quality ingredients and the lacing of nearly everything with sugar – a few years ago I found sugar was an ingredient in my tinned sardines! – the local farmer with an ethical component makes money coupled with the stance that what they are doing is good for the land, good for the consumer and good for the future.

Read about the Launch of Edinburgh’s REKO Ring in May 2024

To enjoy great, healthy food and support local, email:

Search for a “REKO Ring near me” on facebook, or click here to join the Edinburgh Ring on facebook.

Our Mission is to create a food network that delivers good food you can trust, greater food autonomy and self-sufficiency by harnessing our collective buying power, knowledge and energy.

Click Here for the online website and shop

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