Are our children really being educated in schools and universities with skills and knowledge to help them live productive, meaningful and happy lives? What has happened to critical thinking? Has woke culture made it impossible for students to ask questions and share ideas? Is huge pressure to conform, being normalised? Why is Primary School education including the sexualisation of children?

If you are a concerned parent, grandparent, carer or educator there are groups and organisations you can turn to. On the “Support Groups” Page you will find details for the Scottish Union for Education and the Safe School Alliance

“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values”

William Inge

Scottish Unity Education Group on Twitter

Home Schooling

Click Here for Home Education Support and Tools from

As an increasing number of parents are considering educating at home. But is it something that is practical, best for children’s outcomes and how would you cope? Some surprising insights here in a conversation with a parent who is a qualified child protection social worker, who has home schooled his two children from nursery onwards.

The Couple Revolutionizing Education in America

Thoughts of a Scottish Ex-Teacher

Considering Scottish schools and the various topics that spin off from it.

SUGGESTED NEXT -> The Sexualisation of Children in School

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