Temora Yuille Interviews Law Expert Will Keyte. March 2023


When governments seem to be passing an array of legislation and much of this we as citizens feel we have not been consulted upon, don’t agree with, judge to be unjust, punitive or outright confusing. So what can we do to take back control, empower ourselves for justice and use our constitution in the manner it was intended. As citizens we do actually have powers we don’t know about and so the first step is to educate ourselves.

The website CommonLawConstitution.org contains articles, videos and news as well as detailed information on understanding our constitution and rights.


1. Understand what governance is first

2. Can the government do anything it likes?

3. Government-created law – Statutes

4. Trial by Jury – the way people govern

5. The Head of State (The King/Queen in Britain)

Our Common Law Constitution image

The Occulted Powers of the British Constitution – New Chartist Movement

Essential reading for all. This is a concise but detailed explanation on the British Constitution and its concealed powers of liberty.

Are Travel Restrictions such as 15 minute cities unlawful? See Union With Scotland ACT 1706 Article IIII.

Trade and Navigation and other Rights.

That all the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall from and after the Union have full freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place within the said United Kingdom and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging And that there be a Communication of all other Rights Privileges and Advantages which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles.


Do You Choose to be Sovereign?

There are two states a person can be in this world: you are either sovereign or a slave; the choice is only yours to make. Declaring you are sovereign, that your status is as a free man or woman, requires courage, fortitude and the will to stand up for your rights. This task is much less daunting when you’re united with and supported by others of like mind.

The Sovereign Project is an institution that protects and reclaims the rights and freedom of each individual by providing powerful tools and education, while uniting others who also choose to be free.

See Matt Le Tissier Interview Sovereign Pete on Gettr



The Peace Keepers have been created to help secure a just and equitable society in which all men and women are treated fairly and know their rights as sovereign beings. It starts with you – you can be the change you want to see!

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