Click HERE for calendar of Campaigns, Petitions & Events. in which you can take action

Click on any to find out more about these Groups.

Common Knowledge Edinburgh#together declaration
The Sovereign ProjectPeaceKeepers
UK CitizenNot Out Future
Save Our RightsWorld Council for Health
Stop the WHOBig Brother Watch
People’s Health AllianceFree Speech Union
CovileaksThe Great Freeset
HEART Health Advisory & RecoveryDont Divide Us
Stand In the ParkScottish Unity – Edinburgh Twitter Group
Safe Schools AllianceThis Stops Now – Protecting Children
Scottish Union for EducationSovereignty Group –
Harmony Union – Protecting workers and students rights

Common Knowledge Edinburgh


Edinburgh based group, producing regular newsletters and hosting public events and talks

FACEBOOK: Common Knowledge Edinburgh


These last two to three years have been tremendously challenging. Overnight a draconian, controlling relationship formed with our elected representatives in the name of ‘keeping us safe’.  Many of us did not feel ‘safe’ with this uninvited restructuring of the social contract. We did not consent to having our lives disrupted with overbearing and punitive measures. Left unchecked, we saw governments all around the world adopt authoritarianism. This has been enormously damaging in myriad ways. The ripple effect will be felt for generations. On a positive note, we have also demonstrated how powerful we are when we come together with strong purpose and unity. We have demonstrated that we do have an impact, we can make a difference and change things.

UKCitizen is a non-partisan collective of libertarian men and women with a common goal of living in peace and harmony with each other and nature in the United Kingdom. Via a national hub and regionally based groups, to be eventually known as ‘Citizen Committees, operated by the people for the people, we work together to minimise the state, maximize autonomy, and resist the ever encroaching global collectivism thereby ensuring our inalienable rights are maintained and defended.

Not Our Future


Not Our Future exists purely to fight for the survival of our way of life as we know it.

Save Our Rights

Save Our Rights is a movement to bring Real Democracy to the UK and to end corruption. Changing systems so that the interests of the people are the driving force, rather than those of big corporations and archaic institutions.
* To fully enact and preserve human rights and civil liberties in their truest sense.
* To implement a better way of doing things that puts the individual at the heart of everything.
* To bring forth solutions to problems, positive change, transparency and accountability.

World Council for Health

The World Council for Health is a non-profit initiative for the people, that is informed and funded by the people. Our global coalition of health-focused initiatives and civil society groups seeks to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. We are dedicated to safeguarding human rights and free will while empowering people to take control of their health and wellbeing.

There is a better way for health and we are committed to creating it together with you!

Interview with Dr Tess Lawrie about the Betterway to Health Freedom and Sovereignty Conference 1-4 June.


The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly a completely new international agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” in addition to seeking to adopt proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Big Brother Watch

Big Brother Watch exposes and challenges threats to our privacy, our freedoms and our civil liberties at a time of enormous technological change in the UK. We work to roll back the surveillance state and protect the rights of everyone in the UK to be free from unfair intrusion. We campaign to protect freedoms in Parliament and through the courts. We produce unique research and investigations, and seek to educate and empower the public. Big Brother Watch is a cross–party, non-party, independent non-profit organisation leading the protection of privacy and civil liberties in the UK. In our pursuit for change, we use advocacy and campaigns; parliamentary lobbying; public interest litigation; research and investigations that inform policy and public debate; and public education and empowerment.

The Thinking Coalition, Time for Recovery, Freedom Alliance

People’s Health Alliance

PHA started with a grand, yet simple, vision for the future. A future where Big Pharma (and Big Everything) no longer has control over We, The People; where the power of choice is returned to the individual and we shift the paradigm from treating disease, to creating health. 

How do we achieve this? By creating an organic, people-led approach to healthcare, bringing everything back to community level, for The People, by The People.

The Free Speech Union is a non-partisan, mass-membership public interest body that stands up for the speech rights of its members.

How might we protect you?
– If you find yourself being targeted by a digital outrage mob on social media for having exercised your legal right to free speech, we may mobilise an army of supporters.
– If a petition is launched calling for you to be fired, when you’ve done nothing other than exercise your legal right to free speech, we may help you organise a counter-petition.
– If you’re no-platformed by a university—a feminist professor who challenges trans orthodoxy, for instance—we’ll encourage you to fight back and members of our advisory councils may be able to tell you what remedies are available to you.
– If you’re a student or an academic being investigated by your university for breaching a speech code, we may take up your case with the university.
– If you’re punished by your employer because you’ve exercised your lawful right to free speech, we’ll do our best to provide you with assistance or refer you to specialists who can help.

Harmony Union works for members.

Are you an employee or student who has been unjustly treated by your employer or college? Have you been pressured to take a medical intervention which you didn’t want? We are made up of employees and students who join together to preserve and progress their conditions of employment. We can support you in the workplace by representation at grievance and disciplinary meetings.

Click Here to See Interview with Warren Leigh, the inspirational founder of Harmony Union

We have simple aims: To fight for our freedoms through action in our community, to seek the truth and to provide the truth through publishing what the mainstream media won’t. was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’. This triggered a journey of investigation and ‘truth-seeking’; What began by communicating, sharing ideas and discussions and the small group of sceptics and critical thinkers has grown exponentially.

Through extensive research into ‘the science’ (reading RCT’s, listening to experts in the medical and scientific fields speak) and government ‘policy’,  reading as many published government documents as possible, including conducting many Freedom of Information Requests, we have concluded that we are indeed living through something catastrophic; unprecedented in our lifetime.

This website shares a wealth of information including opinion pieces, clinical papers, government documents, information leaflets, flyers and more. We also document the work we have done under the ‘Resist and Act’ section of this website. We will continue to research and share facts as we believe the ‘Time for The Truth’ has come.

The Great Freeset

HEART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team)

HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts.  We came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We continue to be concerned about the lack of open scientific debate in mainstream media and the worrying trend of censorship and harassment of those who question the narrative. Science without question is dogma.

Richard Vobes Interview with “This Stops Now” campaigners

“Turning Children into Sex objects” is a video discussion about what is going on with Gender, Sex and Sexualiation of children in the curriculum in our nurseries and schools.

Why is the state education system serving globalist institutions and not the interests of children and parents? Contact links are given under the video.


The Scottish Union for Education aims to involve more people from communities, including parents, grandparents and educators, to improve Scottish educational establishments as places of learning rather than sites of activism.

In particular, we aim to promote schools (and wider forms of education) as places to develop education and subject-based knowledge, rather than as places for the government and education authorities to push their values onto children: Values that often run counter to those of parents and communities.

Safe Schools Alliance

Boundaries that have been traditionally put in place to preserve ideas such as the importance of child safeguarding are now considered “oppressive” by UNESCO and World Health Organisation. Their documents and guidelines state that children are ‘sexual from birth,’ and accordingly require sexual knowledge to fulfil their right to sexual pleasure.

It is clear that parents who do not buy into this are viewed as a threat.

The Safe Schools Alliance state that they find it extremely concerning that the UN and WHO are promoting an approach that is experimental, unscientific, and appears to be aligned to the work of unethical individuals and organisations, including those promoting the acceptance of paedophilia. They are calling upon them to revise their standards to align with a safeguarding-first approach that protects children while allowing them to develop a healthy and age-appropriate understanding of sex.

The above review reveals the extent to which the WHO and UNESCO’s standards are ideologically aligned with Queer Theory and with a ‘sex positive’ approach to Sexuality (not Sex) Education.

Safe Schools Alliance UK is a grassroots organisation which campaigns to uphold child safeguarding in schools. It is led by a group of volunteers with diverse backgrounds including teaching, nursing and child safeguarding. We have no religious or political affiliation.

RECOMMENDED NEXT -> Education and Home Schooling

Stand In The Park

A global phenomenon of informal get togethers, every Sunday Morning between 10am and 12noon in a local park near you. A sociable meet up of people who are questioning official narratives and enjoy free discussion and networking with friendly and like minded souls.

  • Sauchton Park Edinburgh, at the Pavillion or in the greenhouse when it’s cold
  • Leith Links
  • Sit In The Pub – from 7:30pm on Tuesday evenings at the Woodhall Pub Currie

Click HERE for calendar of Campaigns, Petitions & Events. in which you can take action

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