Career politicians are not serving the people’s interests. Their loyalty to their career and party are greater than their loyalty to those who elected them and those they represent.

  • Are you unhappy about the performance and accountability of your local authority?
  • Do you get the brush off from your MP when you ask them to take important action?
  • Are you angry at the amount of your money wasted on insane projects and policies that nobody asked for?
  • Are you sick of being ignored by councillors and politicians who seem to have their own agenda?
  • Are you tired of public consultations which are either rigged, hidden or just get completely ignored?
  • Are you highly concerned about the huge influence of foreign and private organisations and bodies over policies that deeply affect all our lives?
  • Do you feel powerless to change the system?

well, enough is enough! …. HERE IS THE SOLUTION

Let’s create 100+ local PEOPLE PARTIES one for each major UK town or region and take back control of democracy.

Edinburgh man, Marc Wilkinson is the driving force behind a brilliant new movement to evolve democracy. Below, is a reprint of his substack article about creating a new structure for politics, with city -specific political parties, which truly have the interests of people (not parties) first and foremost.

People are already excited about this new movement to take back democracy and you can really help simply by giving us feedback. We want our messaging to inspire you and many more people to join us, so please send Marc an email or message to let him know if this communication contains enough, clear information to allow you to decide whether to join a new political party.   We need as much feedback and criticism as possible. Indeed, this idea of Marc’s has already significantly journeyed and evolved thanks to many people’s feedback.

By Marc Wilkinson, 1st April 2024

Below is the content from my 4-A4-page leaflet outlining the plan. Please do contact me by email or message if you are interested in helping me. We do not have much choice so please do! Thanks, Marc

Marc Wilkinson t/a  A Not-for-Profit-Person

2/F1 Bruntsfield Crescent EH10 4EZ


Do NOT elect Politicians AGAIN!

Elect People…

EDINBURGH PEOPLE the new party by the People of Edinburgh for the People of Edinburgh.

Don’t trust politicians. Trust People!


Many Career Politicians are flawed individuals because their loyalty to their career and their loyalty to their party are greater than their loyalty to the people who elected them and whom they represent.

It is not their fault. It is just human nature. We have the solution…


Will you help us launch EDINBURGH PEOPLE? Our initial target it to inspire you to become one of our initial 1000 members.

My idea is a new structure for politics with the creation of new city-specific political parties.


…these would be new political parties created by The People for The People.

These parties will avoid our reliance on career politicians whose loyalties to their own career and their party are greater than their loyalty to the people that they are meant to represent.

Key is that each party would belong to a single city or region with the role first & foremost to represent People from that city or region. Candidates would not be career politicians.

I have spoken to so many people – clearly almost all now DO NOT TRUST THEIR POLITICIANS.

Initially, EDINBURGH PEOPLE will be a single-issue party primarily focused on bringing people from all walks of Edinburgh together to fight for their city and their people.

The single issue is:

The members of EDINBURGH PEOPLE believe that successful mature people from Edinburgh who have already had an established career in Accademia, Business, Journalism, Sports, etc. are better qualified to represent the interests of Edinburgh’s people than career politicians who have become compromised even if they began their career with the best intentions.

These new city-specific People parties would be very democratic with one member one vote. By joining, you will be a member and membership is open to every eligible voter residing in the represented city. Membership fees from, say, £1 per month to cover costs, would maximise membership. The membership would vote on the party’s policies and would vote to select their candidates.

The over-riding principle is that once elected Councillors, MSPs and MPs would have greater loyalty to their membership and constituents compared to those from other parties.

On national issues, the different People Parties’ MPs/MSPs could align and create a voting bloc which could become part of a coalition government in the event of a hung parliament.


United we stand divided we fall This the over-riding principle which dictates the policy framework for EDINBURGH PEOPLE. Initially, the strategy is to have no policies apart from our single-issue platform that successful people can run Edinburgh and run the country better for the benefit of the people of Edinburgh than can compromised career politicians.

Before we have too many policies these are the priorities for EDINBURGH PEOPLE:

  1. Inspire as many people as possible to join as members of EDINBURGH PEOPLE.
  2. Field as many candidates as possible in Westminster, Holyrood & Local Council elections.
  3. Win seats.

In due course the party’s policies will be proposed by members. Policy proposals will need to be pro-actively seconded by 50 or so members (or 5% of the membership). Policy proposals will be voted on by the members and there will be a high bar whereby 60% have to vote in favour before a policy is adopted by the party. There will also need to be a minimum turnout of 30% of the members voting. These measures are to avoid minority groups within the party securing policy. These percentages will be adjusted by vote as the party evolves.


EDINBURGH PEOPLE will avoid voting on divisive issues and policies which risk the unity of the members and their commitment to our overriding single-issue as per our slogan:

Do NOT elect Politicians AGAIN!

Elect People…

The strategy for divisive issues will be for the members to first vote on whether we should or should not have a policy position. For example, on the question of Scottish Independence the initial policy proposal to be voted on by the members would be:

“EDINBURGH PEOPLE should have a policy of not having a policy on Scottish Independence”.

The rational for this approach is so that EDINBURGH PEOPLE can focus on the main objective of the party thereby attracting the largest possible number of members and votes by remaining united. Let’s make sure the people of Edinburgh are not subjected to the tried and tested tactic of Divide and Rule as so many have for millennia before us.


The imminent and urgent priority is to crowd fund a £15,000 seed to create PEOPLE PARTIES LTD. This will be a not-for-profit company whose purpose is to support and facilitate the creation on over 100 city/region specific parties. PEOPLE PARTIES LTD will provide these parties with design, print, distribution, marketing, web building, database management, emailing members and public relations services as well as help local party leaders, treasurers and officers come together to create a constitution and register with the Electoral Commission.

CHANGE IS IN THE AIR – Rochdale Byelection

The recent results of the Rochdale byelection have driven me even more to progress with my plan which hatched a few months ago. David Tully, owner of a Car Repair Garage stood as an independent on the simple platform of ‘wanting to represent the people of his town and to make it a better place for the people of Rochdale’. People trusted his motivation as genuine and 6,638 voted for him compared to 3,731 voting Conservative and 2,402 voting Labour.

This proves there is an appetite for a new approach to politics. Very soon I will go to Rochdale and try to persuade David Tully to found ROCHDALE PEOPLE or maybe if more appropriate found GREATER MANCHESTER PEOPLE as there are 27 Westminster constituencies within.

David Tully should really inspire us. QR-code below links to an article reporting the story.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this far, I really appreciate it. Just because we do really need to come together locally and make real change happen. Ultimately, this can only happen at the ballot box in my opinion with different Parties and different candidates.

Will you help me launch EDINBURGH PEOPLE? Yes? Or no? Please DO email or message me letting me know if this leaflet contains enough information to allow you to decide whether to join a new political party where you live? I look forward to hearing from you.

In the current climate of distrust, there is sufficient reason why thousands of people in the UK  could be inspired to create a new political party for their town or region. The time is ripe.

Yours sincerely, Marc

Marc Wilkinson t/a  A Not-for-Profit-Person

2/F1 Bruntsfield Crescent EH10 4EZ

M: +44 7791 843 702


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