Hello and welcome! Freedinburgh.online aims to be a hub for credible, thought provoking and empowering sources of information on big issues we face for our future as a community of people living in Edinburgh and the wider world.

We are living in times of unprecedented change, happening at record speed all around us and it’s hard to get to grips with this. This is a portal to help you explore gaining important knowledge about our current situation, how this fits in with the global evolution of our way of life and considering how we may come together as communities and best move forward. From here we are suggesting for you a number of credible and relevant sources, groups, events, news, reports, ideas, articles and opinions – which you will not easily find in one place, or from usual mainstream sources.

This site was put together by concerned Edinburgh folks, who have lost trust in those who are shaping our lives by implementing policies which are radically affecting our communities, laws, health, education and life. If you are interested in better understanding the pressing issues we all face in 2023 and exploring what we can positively do about it, then this is a great place to start.

Our aim is to try to select and bring together in one place some of the best and most relevant articles, and also links for to help support you with;

You may find some of the ideas controversial or challenging, and we do not want to be prescriptive about what to think, but hopefully you will have an open mind and these will give you a desire and a route to do your own further investigations. We wish to also offer suggested actions which people can take as well as like minded people to connect with

The control of information is something the elite always does. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.

Tom Clancy

Organisation of This Website

Fom the menu at the top of the page, or down the side (or bottom on some mobile displays) you will find the list of different topics. This will take you to articles covering a description and limited information, with the recommended links to where you can find the most up to date information and content for your further research. There are also links to support groups and events and campaigns in which you may wish to take part.

We wanted to bring together information in this website which is worthy of consideration because the issues covered affects us all very deeply. We hope you will find the links here represent credible opinions, and sources, with evidence, experience and data behind them. We hope it will provide you with new information or a different perspective. We want to try to avoid promoting purely speculative theories or information produced by industry sponsored authors, because we are certainly bombarded by enough of that already.

We want to seek information and to understand what is really going on, but also keep ourselves sane, to connect with others and remain positive about ourselves and our future. We hope you will join us on this journey.

Seeking the Truth?

There are a mass of conflicting “truths”, ideas and theories coming at us from every direction, and there is uncertainty about our future and who and what is shaping it. We are all trying to work out how we can cut through this and what we can or should do about it. Now is the time to try to think critically and ask the questions we really need answers to. We need to work out who we can really trust, for our best life in Edinburgh and the wider world.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”

Albert Einstein

Truth is not easy to determine, and we have to ask ourselves if we are willing to re-evaluate some of our old “truths” and beliefs in the process.

We have an interest in issues which affect life in Edinburgh, but these may also be applicable to the rest of the country and the rest of the world. Our goal is that from here you may explore these links with critical thinking and find something which interests, informs and inspires you. This site does not represent any political ethos or specific movement in itself, but it does promote questioning many things and intends to be a gateway to personal empowerment.

Power Over Us Taking the Place of Care for Us?

There are aspects shaping the quality of our lives which seem to be running out of control and heading in the wrong direction. We want to ensure life will be fair and free for our children and grandchildren but we realise we need to do something as the current systems are failing and letting us down badly. Central and local governments of all persuasions, regulatory agencies, education, science, health, the media, finance, the law and its enforcement are all barely fit for purpose, which is to serve us, the people.

We are told to trust only the government and the media to avoid “disinformation” and “misinformation”, but it has become apparent that these once trusted voices are now actually often the sources of this. They have made terrible decisions for us, they have forced us and coerced us and lied to us. They have tried (and succeeded) in silencing dissenting voices. Governments have let large private interests have undue influence in everything and they are coming up with yet more and more plans to be involved in controlling every aspect of our lives. It feels like power over us is taking the place of care for us.

“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind”

George Orwell


You should not feel powerless, but we hope you’ll agree it’s important to be aware and informed. We want everyone to be able to influence shaping a better future which is fair and upholds people’s constitutional rights and freedoms. We hope ultimately to inspire critical thinking and positive, peaceful action, no matter how big or small. These articles and resources may give you an insight into important areas which require a different approach and we hope they may encourage your thinking and consideration of positive actions, so we can come together to build a better society and environment for everyone for the future.

Click HERE for calendar of Campaigns, Petitions & Events. in which you can take action

We’re sorry we can’t respond to you, but If you wish to send feedback or ideas for this website, please email.

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