There is a simple, tried and tested solution, and all it needs is significant numbers of men and women to share this knowledge and to get everyone to put pressure on our politicians by educating them and asking 4 key questions.

That now infamous’£22 Billion Black Hole’ could be instantly filled by HM Treasury using an existing fiscal mechanism….

Before giving her autumn budget, this is an open letter to the chancellor of the exchequer, Rachel Reeves, To which she is duty bound to respond. Failure to do so could leave her vulnerable to the charge of misconduct in public office.

Please will you now help to make Justin Walker’s Open Letter go viral everywhere? This page explains how you can do it.

Justin has created a 28 page Open Letter, which explains everything, including the solution. If enough people send this on, we can turn the tide in our favour.

The Great Rising – A Solution to the Elephant in the Room at Westmister

Included below is an synopsis of the solution to our economic and financial crisis – By Justin Walker and The Great Rising

Justin Walker has put in decades of research, culminating in an Open Letter, which both details the scandalous history of a disastrous financial and economic system causing the current ‘debt’ crisis, and also provides a simple, tried and tested solution. This letter also demands that our political leaders answer 4 key questions and holds them accountable. They are duty bound in law to provide us with a reasoned response to our proposal for an end to the causes of debt and implementation of an immediately effective remedy.

Taking action is easy for everyone to do – since templates are all included. You can write to your MP and insist they respond in a meaningful way. They cannot defend the existing financial and banking system when it is clearly in the hands of private people who are unelected, unaccountable and who meet in complete secrecy.

For more information, watch either of these insightful interviews (54 mins / 32 mins) in which Justin explains the background to Money Creation, and the Open Letter :

The national debt is now completely out of control, and the global economy is on a knife edge. Many are foreseeing a major crash or another run on the banks, and this could pave the way for programmable digital central bank currencies—I hope not; I will oppose that—and a social credit scoring system. Our national debt is now £2.9 trillion. Why would we trust the central bank again when they have got us into trouble twice in two decades?

We must immediately instate the effective fiscal process used in August 1914, whereby the financial collapse was checked by introducing a Treasury bond known as the Bradbury pound. This was accepted and it stabilised the markets at the time. It is not debt and it is not interest-bearing; it is Treasury money. We do not need to trust the central bankers; we need to use Treasury money to solve the crisis, exactly as we did in 1914.


The truth is out. A sovereign nation,such as ours, can create, issue and control all the money it needs to ensure that its public services, strategic industries and essential infrastructure are all kept to a very high standard indeed.

And when that money is created, it is debt-free and interest-free as it is based solely on the credit and creativity of that nation. There is no actual debt involved! And the ever-present pressures of inflation, if handled correctly, will not become a problem. Fiscal stability outside the existing greed-based usury system will be the name of the game!


Rachel Reeves and her boss, ‘Davos’ Starmer, are both doing the bidding of their globalist masters. She is about to give her ‘difficult’ budget. It is all about stealing money from the people and ratcheting up the National Debt to unsustainable levels ready for their ‘Great Reset’. It’s all based on absolute lies as this detailed and evidence-based 28-page Open Letter clearly shows.

In your own words, you can re-state from the Open Letter, “Chancellor, I have four key questions which, as our elected servant responsible for HM Treasury and for our nation’s economic well-being, you are lawfully obliged to answer.”

Q1: As the Governor of the Bank of England is ultimately responsible to HM Treasury and to Parliament for his actions, when Andrew Bailey returns from his strategic bi-monthly meetings of the Economic Consultative Committee at the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, do you, as Chancellor of the Exchequer receive a full briefing from him in person as to what was discussed and what decisions were made?

Q2: Is Professor Richard Werner correct in his public pronouncement that the City of London is classed legally as a state within a state, and if he is, how can the Bank of England in a foreign state be allowed to have responsibility for our nation’s finances in the way it does?

Q3: On becoming the Chancellor of the Exchequer, were you already aware of what happened on August 7th 1914 and its significance?

Q4: The key question for you to answer is this. With all the compelling evidence contained in this extensive and evidence-based Open Letter regarding the essential fraud and criminality being practised by private, secretive, unelected and unaccountable entities as regards global money creation and money supply, will you now, with immediate effect, announce the complete expansion of M0 at HM Treasury thereby, in effect, creating a new debt-free and interest-free 2024 ‘Bradbury Pound’ to transform our entire nation out of all recognition for the better?

The Chancellor will not be able to answer the 4 key questions truthfully without giving the game away:

Include the Open Letter when you Write to your MP , you can repeat the four key questions and insist they respond to you in a meaningful way. How can they defend the existing financial and banking system when it is clearly in the hands of private people who are unelected, unaccountable and who meet in complete secrecy? Where is the openness and transparency? Don’t let go until they answer this, but always keep it polite. Otherwise they will accuse you of being vexatious, thus giving them the excuse needed to ignore you. Also, get your MPs to write to the Chancellor asking for answers to those four questions.

And don’t just write to your MP. Contact your local cash-strapped councillors and show them how all money creation and money supply is in the hands of crooks who don’t like us having the money needed to make our communities happy, safe and prosperous.

And contact your MP’s local constituency association and show them the evidence about the Bradbury pound—they will have no idea and this will undermine the MP should he or she need undermining.

Please will you now help to make this Open Letter go viral everywhere?

Please get pushing this information out far and wide. Tell your family, neighbours, work associates and anyone else you know how money has been weaponised and is being used against us.

If we want a happy and prosperous nation free from the influence of the globalists, we all have to do our bit to restore debt-free and interest-free SOVEREIGN MONEY

If you want any help, you can email Justin at

You will find the Open letter, which contains the history and explanation of the solution, plus the 4 key questions which politicans must answer at the Great Rising – From Corporate Britain to Soverign Britain

Thank you for taking a stand, and for taking the time to educate yourself and others, and here again are those video interviews, where you can hear Justin Walker explain in his own words, the history of Money Creation, the Bradbury Pound and how it can save us;

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